
when overwhelmed.. add more.

Well in this case, I guess it's taking away.. I'm gonna try and loose this weight again.

after my last back surgery, i began to gain weight. It failed, I'm a chronic pain person now. It hurts to move, so you don't. So anything you eat, with a LOT LESS activity, piles on the weight.
Steroids, pile on the weight, other meds, pile on the weight.
Cymbalta, for nerve pain and depression, I just found out they give to anorexia patients.. well I can tell you, it sure ass hell works!
I had lost 22 pounds, no small task.. and promptly put it ALL back on while on the Cymbalta. The med didn't help either nerve pain or depression, so I stopped.. but it was too late for the weight gain. I CRAVED sugar/carbs. Within 3 weeks, I must have eaten 15 huge boxes of Corn Flakes.. with an insane amount of sugar on each bowl. So that it sits at the bottom if the bowl kind of insane.

Yesterday my Medifast order arrived. I found a code, that got me not only free shipping but 4 free boxes. =) So yesterday I had 3 shakes, and a turkey sandwich for Dinner. No Rum.. boo. No sweets!

Hubby is the original Candy Man.. always has sweets. His breakfast usually consists of 2 Mr. Goodbars, and a Coke. (and yes, his teeth are rotten!) Being around bowls of M&M's, giant bags of...well whatever. You name it.. we've got it around.

The kids all have snacks for school of course.. Gosh.. it's like half my grocery bill!

I've used the product before with great results. I did the NO FOOD version. Right now i'm just eating a dinner.. if I eat to little, my body will shut down and not burn because it thinks it's starving, so I actually have to work to keep the calories up. I may switch over to no food after I finish the turkey I bought last night.
I really want to get a lot of this off, before we go Camping at the end of July. I'd love to get into the water with my kids. I am SO self conscious.. last time we went, i wouldn't even go in wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
Anyway, I'd like to loose about 60 pounds. I'll post progress if it happens.

YAY it's friday. Means the kids will have no homework, and as soon as I finish my work for today.. I'm going to work on my quilt top.

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